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Friday, Mar. 04, 2005 - 10:04 p.m.

So. Hi. Wanna guess why I haven't updated in 6 months? It is because I have had:

1. Nothing really to write about.
2. No time to write about anything.

This may seem to be a contradiction. How, you may ask, can I be so busy that I can't babble on and on, yet have nothing about which to babble on and on? Well, the fact is that the things keeping me busy aren't that terribly interesting.

Work is about the same. I no longer drive to work. I take the train. I get to read for pleasure on the train. That's my only substantial free time. I've cut work down to 8 hour days, and I take lunch breaks now. I am sick to death of certain aspects of my work situation, and part of the reason that I have cut my hours is just to spite my "supervisor". The other half of the reason is that I use my lunch breaks to do homework.

I am now working on my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, something I should have done half my life ago but was too stupid to know it at the time. It must be going well, because I have a 4.0 GPA.

After I get home every day, I do more homework. During free moments, I harass my cat. On Tuesday, I watch "Scrubs" and "Committed".

On weekends, I go to class, do homework, clean my house, do laundry, do a little yard work, and do more homework.

I have no social life. A lot of people say that, but it truly applies to me. No. Social. Life. In September, I went to the Puyallup Fair with a classmate. In December of 2003, I went to a Sonics game. Those are the only two social events I have had in the last 13 months. Unless you count the visit to Mom and Hugh over Christmas last year, and the visits for her birthday and Mother's Day. Why no social life? No friends. That pretty much sums it up. I keep in touch with a few people by e-mail, and we talk about getting together but never do.

Since I started school in August, I haven't even had time to go hiking or get any photo shows together. I haven't updated the photo web site since August, either. Frankly, I'm surprised this one still exists.

So as you can see, there's not much to write about.

And yet, here I am again.



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