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Thursday, Mar. 10, 2005 - 7:57 p.m.

This weekend was the social event of the season in Maple Valley. The streamers were strung, the crowds out in force, enjoying a bright, sunny, unseasonably warm winter day to witness the grand opening of the newly remodeled Safeway. I didn�t realize that it was the date of the grand event when I went to buy kitty litter after school on Saturday and I couldn�t find a parking spot. I went home and waited for 5:00 a.m. on Sunday to go back. It looks just like it did before they closed for remodeling. I have to admit, the two grocery carts of discounted Conversation Hearts just inside the door made it very inviting. I stocked up, of course, because I can get this particular brand of candy-flavored sugar patties only once each year. I should be set through about mid-April. It takes me that long to eat them because I have to read every single one before I can eat it.

Open letter to the @$$hole who broke into my car: The joke�s on you. You didn�t get the Platinum Visa out of the glove compartment, nor did you get the treasure trove of 76 CDs in the trunk, and insurance paid for all of the damage. And, oh, by the way, you suck.

So, are migraines supposed to make the left side of your face go numb? � Maybe I should see a doctor.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Guess whom I finally get to see in concert! Keane is coming back in May, and they will be at the Paramount, and so will I. I ordered tickets already. Woo hoo! May is going to be a very difficult month, so this is my treat to myself in advance for not killing anyone. I am taking two classes in May, I still have to work full time, and just for giggles, I will be helping our IT group to implement our new expense reporting software. Yay, fun. I so cannot wait for May.



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